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Bro Whats the password to the other acc

(2 edits)

Do you mean the Théophile account? Have you gone through all the folders in the Guest Account?

If you're still stuck Check the Trash Folder and the different files. They make a whole puzzle. There are two ways to find the password: check the notes.txt (hints in bold) or the DR's file (special formatting).

im still stuck i NEED password

How to find the password: Notes.txt's text has bolded words, each referring to one of the picture in the Trash folder. Each picture has been edited with a letter in the background. Put all those letters in the order described by the .txt file. That's the password.

If you go through the DR’s file instead: check the first letter of each paragraph. They are bolded and green. That’s the password.

(2 edits) (+2)

Dude, this game hit me right in the feels! The characters' stories in the guest account were so realistic and relatable, but the puzzles? Man, they were tough. But that's what made playing it real fun, you know? 

My high school teacher, once quoted a realism literary author: "A writer doesn't need to invent fictional stories and ideas, when they can use the reality they live in." which fits superbly with what I read. You wrapped up life's ups and downs a normal person goes through, in one game. Both on guest account and the admin one, the characters had a genuine vibe. Kudos for making me laugh, get angry, think (HARD!), have fun, and maybe... a bit sad.

Thank you!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


With the widespread use of artificial intelligence, DOL-OS is more relevant then ever as it expresses the concerns and issues humans have with it. The creator of ChatGPT himself warned that the artificial intelligence application can throw some very bad outcomes, similarly to the AI the team was working on who based its judgement on predictive algorithms. 


It's unfortunately not a new thing :/
I feel like the warnings against AI was already a thing in Sci-Fi stories like 50 years ago?

Glad you enjoyed it!!

Please make a downloadable version of it. even if it is HTML

Sorry, this game is currently only playable online.

The entries on on Theophile's account remind me of the first Avatar movie, where Jake Sullivan, a marine on Pandora. was made to record his thoughts, every single day, to keep him sane (not experience dissociation on his case) or "in the name of science". Being the person who reads or sees through this entries or records, is truly a curious experience. It's clear how boredom, confusion and lack of direction are eating away at his mental health, proved by his entries and the gap between them after around 200 days. I wonder if you intended on exploring the effects of isolation, be it social or physical, on a human being?

I wasn't thinking of Avatar the movie when I made Ind.ic (never saw the movie). I was more inspired with management processes asking employees to track their tasks (and/or feelings) as a way to keep them in check (experienced IRL).

But interpretations of a piece is more interesting to me than my intention when making it ;)
And this is a really neat one!


J'aime beaucoup !  Ça change des FI où il faut juste cliquer sur des phrases pour afficher le texte suivant.
J'avais tenté de faire une interface d'ordinateur dans ce genre avec Twine et pas réussi, donc double bravo !


C'était un peu compliqué, avec le code. Trop d'HTML xD


I really enjoyed DOl-OS even if I'm not big on puzzles in general. 

 It can make you frustrated at first if you go for Theophile's account, instead of the guest one, but a quick hitting of the 'H' key will solve it quickly (keep your curiosity in check though if you don't want to be spoiled/ruin the fun of solving puzzles). 

 Checking Theophile's entries was fun but short, concise and to the point. Which is not surprising considering their choice of profession. I like how you managed to convey that.

The writing style feels cold, calculated, almost robotic but with touch of human feelings, fitting perfectly with the theme and GUI animations. No noticable grammar errors. The puzzles themselves are thoughtfully integrated into the game, providing a seamless and logical progression.

One thing to be appreciated are the minigames serving as a nice break until you figure the next step out and as a time-waster too. Ah. And another thing too. If you pay close attention to the lower bar at the bottom of the screen, you'll notice that the time shown is the same as the one your phone or computer screen. It was a nice little detail which does add to the overall immersive amosphere.

Puzzle lovers are going to have a field trip with this one. The thrill of mystery and the inappropriate desire of going through someone's diary contents finding secrets are going to accompany them through their playthrough, alongside frustration and restarting a dozen times before getting things right.

Um... What I mean after the essay is: Well done! You managed to make a game that appeals even to those who avoid the puzzle genre like the plague.


Thank you <3
Really glad you enjoyed it!


Faire une narration morcelée qui se base sur l'investissement de la personne qui joue est toujours un pari et ici il est gagné ! C'est très propre de bout en bout et sur tous les aspects. Hâte de voir tes prochains jeux !

Merci beaucoup!


C'était vraiment très cool, je regrette juste de ne pas avoir de retour arrière ou de façon simple de rejouer (j'imagine qu'il faudra vider le cache ou un truc du genre), même si je comprends la décision artistique, je suis un peu curieuse de ce qui change sur les derniers choix.

L'aspect graphique est vraiment poussé (il y avait même des blagues sur les fichiers corrompus du début), les petits jeux ajoutent une touche de réalisme et de fun dans ce monde de brutes, l'histoire est plaisante à découvrir et le côté détective/enquête/fouille est bien équilibré, le déroulement est logique, mais suffisamment "compliqué" pour qu'on ne s'ennuie pas et qu'on soit satisfait de ses découvertes.

Merci beaucoup! :D
Contente que le jeu t'ai plu!

En effet, la décision était vraiment pour avoir une fin, même si le joueur ne connaîtra pas toutes les conséquences de son action.
Il est quand même possible de revenir en arrière ou recommencer le jeu sans vider le cache:

  • Si tu jouais sur ordi, la flèche de gauche annule la dernière action :)
  • Sinon cliquer sur R pour recommencer.
  • Ouvrir aussi le jeu dans une nouvelle page/fenêtre réinitialise le jeu.

Ah, super, c'est beaucoup plus simple que je le pensais. Je ne sais pas pourquoi je n'au pas pensé à ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet.